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Queen's Crust

Hey y’all, welcome back from the weekend! I hope you were able to spend it doing what you enjoy with those you love. I told you on Friday that I had a big treat coming your way today, and I kept my word! Today’s recipe reveal is none other than my (shortbread) crust. I hope you're as excited to learn my secrets as I am to share them!

The crust that I make and love (and hopefully you have enjoyed) is actually shortbread crust. I prefer the cookie taste that it has over a typical pie crust flavor. Note: Pay close attention, I’ll include a bonus tip at the end that you’ll want to hear! Another characteristic that I love about the recipe is that as it bakes, it doesn't shrink like typical pie crust does. It’s also very forgiving, so when it cracks during preparation it's easy to patch back together... big selling point for those of us who don’t have time to correct the mistakes that we all face while baking. Who’s ready to get started? Here’s a look at the very recipe I use in my kitchen:

This recipe yields 30 mini pies or 10 large pie crusts.

Preparation: I cover my counter in flour, as I’ll soon roll out the dough there.

1. In a mixer, mix together the butter and brown sugar until whipped/combined. 

2. Separately: Combine 6 cups flour and salt. Slowly* add by spoonfuls to the mixer. Queen’s Tip: This can get very messy, so make sure to follow the spoonful instruction. (See below for proof!)

3. Roll out your dough on the flour-covered counter and cut dough with tart pan. (See below for each size examples)

Queen’s Tip: Regardless of pie size, I lay the pan on top of the dough and flip it over. Then I trim the edges by knocking off any excess dough.

Brie’s Bonus: I use the bits of leftover dough for pie toppings! (Then store in the freezer). Check it out:

4. If storing crust in the freezer (they freeze perfectly!):  Place parchment between them.(See below for both, minis and large pies)

Brie’s Bonus: Remember when I told you to pay close attention? And that I liked this recipe because it had a cookie taste? Well, guess what!? VERY exciting news: This crust recipe doubles as a cookie recipe. Just roll out your dough, choose the cutest cookie cutters you’ve got and bake for 6-8 minutes. (If you’re feeling really crazy- add chocolate chips!) 

Thank you for joining me! Be sure to come back on Friday for some new and (SUPER) exciting updates that you won't want to miss! Good Luck & Happy Baking!

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